CAC: RC 174145


Our Vision

“A leading Music Heritage Foundation committed to achieving an enabling environment for the Autistic persons, through having a society that understands and accept their world” 

Our Mission

“Providing platforms with music as a focal therapy in developing the mindsets of autistic people towards becoming self-reliant; and also deploying music as a social uniting bridge between the special needs and the larger society”

Our Core Objectives

1. To formally institute the engagement of music as a focal therapy in managing ASD.

2. To establish and sustain career paths for ASD persons, especially in music.

3. To create sustainable lifelong career pathways for ASD persons using music therapy.

4. To develop persons with ASD into self-reliant individual personalities.

5. To train, equip and prepare ASD persons (interested in music) for studio and live musical concert performances.

6. To establish and empower ASD persons as source of hope, charity, and good course to others in similar circumstances.

7. To seek for relevant support and partnership from time to time in creating a more impacting awareness in the battle against ASD misconception.

8. To continuously source for, and identify with personalities of integrity and good character, who shall further drive the vision as being members of the Trustees of FERDINAND EFFAH Music Heritage Foundation.

Our Core Values

Our Core Values


R – Responsiveness

I – Inclusiveness

A – Accountability

C – Commitment

T – Transparency

Our Eight (8) Strategic Intervention Pillars in ASD Therapy


1. Dietary
2. Routines

3. Behavioral
4. Educational

5. Social
6. Sports
7. Speech development
8. Skills development (more especially with music)

Our five (5) cardinal approach to MUSIC as a focal therapy in ASD management

1. Building individual skills to playing music.

2. Listening to music as a source of therapy in reducing stress and anxieties.

3. Using music as a tool in speech development.

4. Using music as an avenue where they can express themselves, even without word.

5. Deploying music as the cardinal pillar in creating the much needed awareness where the larger society can easily socialize with Autistic people and their families, under one umbrella; in order to minimize discernment and stigmatization against Autistic people and their families.

Our Testimony

Society is always very particular about people’s origin stories, and each time we meet people who have made a feat in their line of endeavors, we do not hesitate to ask about their origin stories. To us, that’s the connecting point. 

The origin story of Ferdinand Effah Music Heritage Foundation (FEMHF) is a story of resilience, faith, positive outlook and consistency. It is a story that has proved that odds can be broken, and heights can be attained despite devastating hurdles. 

My dear son and Brand Ambassador of the Ferdinand Effah Music Heritage Foundation (FEMHF), has proved and would continue to prove that truly music is an effective therapy and a voice for autism awareness and acceptance. This feat should become a trailblazer for parents with autistic children. 

…and so, every 2nd day of April, he would drum, and we would continue to walk the talk in solidarity with the United Nations World Autism awareness and acceptance day.

Stanley Effah

President, Trustee and Founder FEMHF

MAKE A DIFFERENCE IN AT LEAST ONE AUTISTIC CHILD’S LIFE, as you don’t have to be rich, beautiful or perfect… YOU JUST HAVE TO CARE