CAC: RC 174145


The constitution of the board of Trustees of the Ferdinand Effah Music Heritage Foundation is still on-going with consultations and verification of names by societal impact of several distinguished men and women. The Foundation is taking its time with the hope of constituting an all-inclusive progressive board that would drive and actualize the Vision of the Foundation.

Find below the Pioneer Board of Trustees...

Late Prof. Stella Effah-Attoe

Pioneer Chairman & Trustee

Stella Ebele Effah

Board Secretary & Trustee

Stanley Effah

Ag. Chairman, President, Founder & Trustee

Our principal team & the Band ...

Ferdy’s Band is an emerging autism awareness voice that seeks to promote acceptance for autism people and their families through the vigor of music as a social uniting force at bringing the larger society under one umbrella with the autism community in Nigeria. It is one of the strategic cardinal advocacy channel of Ferdinand Effah Music Heritage Foundation (FEMHF). It is also the first progeny introduced by FEMHF before the Autism Voice Tv to help facilitate a more impactful awareness and acceptance campaign for people and families affected by the condition of autism.

 Although the band is logically led by a band manager, in person of Mr. Majek Ebenezer the principal music therapist of the foundation. It is however, officially defined to be led by Master Ferdinand Effah, (the brand) for the purpose of cultivating in him such leadership ability as an autistic person as part of an ongoing therapy process towards self reliance.

The band is composed of talented non-autistic individuals who are committed to the course of creating an enabling all inclusive society in Nigeria.  

Stanley Effah


Let your Voice also Count, as we can  all contribute to the big plan where Ferdinand and those in such circumstance, can sustain a battle against ASD with the type of passion  he  has developed in music.

Majek Ebenezer

Music Therapis

It was a different world from ours. It was also a different approach and mind set dealing with the prospect of bringing out the hidden potential and talent of Ferdinand Effah in music. The cornerstone of it all is patience, commitment, and hard work..

Israel Eze

Music Coach

Music in Autism therapy may be new to me, but having been involved with Ferdinand as an autistic child; I can strongly testify that music helps to develop better social skills and generate confidence in them. While he plays his drum, you see that much confidence; and while he listens to the sound of violin he sits like the noble class.

Sediphee Musa


I never would have thought of having a calling to lend my voice as a cry of attention for Autism children. It’s a unique and wonderful experience.

When I sing, while Ferdinand played the drum; there is always a bond in communication between us that defines a shared feeling in collaboration to develop and improve more on our skills. It may Suprise you that I also learn from him as an Autistic child, especially where emotion come to play with music.

Miriam & Gladys Effah


Being siblings to Ferdinand wasn’t that easy for us. We had to struggle each day at the church, at the school, at every social event; and around the neighborhood  to consistently create an atmosphere  of friendship that can always accommodate his nature as an autistic person. 

However, his passion for music and our compassionate involvement can be said to have changed the narrative. While he plays his drum, we support with the piano and violin. It’s so amazing to see how perceptions are beginning to change around him.


Miriam Effah


One of the major positive influence on Ferdinand’s pathway in music is from Miriam as a sister.

Gladys Effah


Of the most friendly / companionship hours Ferdinand has enjoyed outside the hours of his music therapy, is with Gladys as a sister. 

Dennis Ikenna


It is quite interesting that i find myself as part of this amazing band. It is also fun to play with Ferdinand as as an autistic child. I have the endorsement of my family, especially my mum, who is so happy about it.

Justina Sainbo Baitachi


My experience playing alongside Ferdinand, dates back to the early lunch of the foundation. It amazes me to see how far we have come. 

Ferdinand Effah


Lacking the social and communication skills to interact, mingle, and belong… is the horrible world we find ourselves. However, with the stable passion I have developed for music as a source of inspiration to others in similar circumstance; I am confident of a new world for the Autistic people – even though we can’t change the beginning, as long as we can always shape the future for ourselves by the progressions we make in each day of our lives.

Support our desire and conviction to building Capacity and Professionalism in AUTISM management