CAC: RC 174145

If we can accept their world and love them unconditionally, we can look forward with an eye of faith towards what individuals and families affected by AUTISM may become when we help them realize their potential through Charity!

                                                     —– Stanley Effah

Become our SPONSOR

The Ferdinand Effah Music Heritage Foundation has a policy to protect our sponsors confidential information. 

All material donations and gifts can be addresses and delivered directly to the foundation’s office @ Plot 832, ACO /AMSC Estate, Sabon-Lugbe, Airport Road, Abuja, Nigeria.

Phone / WhatsApp: +234-8035986693


Become our PARTNER

At the Ferdinand Effah Music Heritage Foundation, we are open to working with reliable partners of like minds in variety of areas that thrives to be in line with our set Vision, and Core ValuesSome of  such areas include but not limited to: Consultation, Research, Training, Entertainment, Awareness campaigns, Charity …

Become our VOLUNTEER

Share your time with us and make a difference. The Ferdinand Effah Music Heritage Foundation offers a variety of volunteer opportunities. Be a part of our musical band if you have the required skills, or be a greeter at any of our events, as you can assist with pre-event support, or simply help us in spreading the word about our non-profit efforts in our battle and awareness campaign on Autism through Music.

Take advantage to become one of our Trainees

Do you have an Autistic child that loves the sound and tunes of music? Are you so willing to let him or her take a full-time career path in music?  Can you be extremely patient with the progression of his or her career path in music?

At Ferdinand Effah Music Heritage Foundation, we usually may not train our special music students in our premises. We can bring such trainings to their homes, institution or desired location. 

Our therapy with music for the Autistic, is to always create a feeling of passion and commitment where they and their families will imbibe a no-going back mindset with such propelling appetite at routinely practicing music as a pathway to playing harmoniously with a band or group composing of different musical instruments. 

We can always be very patient with our special needs’ music students, as time is not really a factor on the premise that it really doesn’t matter how slow they move forward if they don’t stop. 

To get underway with our music therapy and training for the Autistic and special needs, we provide from our team of trainers; or we can as well source and connect each of our intending special needs music student with a skilled musical trainer from our list of volunteers, who typically have been trained with the cognitive experience and approach in managing special needs persons.

Our 9 (nine) bullet proposal for partnership and sponsorship consideration @ creating a strategic impactful awareness and acceptance campaign with support for children and families affected by the condition of autism in Nigeria.

1. Production of Autism awareness and acceptance campaign banners for display in strategic areas of towns and cities in Nigeria.

2. Production of customized Autism awareness and acceptance chest-tags and wristband.

3. Production of customized Autism awareness and acceptance T-shirts with face-caps.

4. Production of Autism awareness and acceptance stickers in English and major Nigerian Languages.

5. Yearly provision of logistic support for a 2,000 people Autism awareness and acceptance road walk in major cities of Nigeria on World Autism Day.

6. Sponsorship of a live musical concert (with the provision of venue) on every 2nd day of April, where Autistic people and their families can socialize with the larger society and highlight the big things the larger society needs to know about Autistic people and their families.

7. Invitation of well known Nigerian musical artists to perform live in every world Autism Awareness and Acceptance Day proposed musical concert, alongside our Foundation’s brand Band (FERDY’S BAND), with several other Autistic persons who have developed the requisite skills and passion to playing music. This would further create avenues to raise charity funds in supporting therapy treatments of Autistic people from poor homes that can not afford the high cost of Autism therapy.

8. Provision of charity funds to help subsidize therapy and treatment of at least three (3) Autistic children from poor homes in Nigeria at every calendar year, under the Ferdinand Effah Music Heritage Foundation Charity Project Scheme.

9. Provision of scholarship assistance to help enhance skills and capacity of hardworking passionate autism caregivers within our Foundation workforce. This is especially to equip them with internationally recognized Autism Certifications from the International Board of Credentialing and Continuing Educational Standards (IBCCES)



We increasingly seek your support as we drive down this time-consuming journey.

Sealed Partnership

Sealing of partnership with IKE FOUNDATION FOR AUTISM (IFA) in Autism awareness collaboration campaigns

Sealing of partnership with Glory Wellness Regenerative Center on Stem Cell Treatment for families of children of poor homes affected by the condition of Autism in Nigeria.